Monday, January 18, 2016

Gordon Gulch Winter Hike

We ventured out for a winter hike over the three-day weekend. We're only moderately prepared for winter weather, so we haven't gone out a lot. We don't have any traction or micro-spikes for our shoes, I don't have waterproof warm gloves and we haven't bought any hand warmers or anything to throw in our backpack. But the sun was out, it wasn't windy or too cold , and the trail we picked was mostly flat so we decided to go for it.

We parked at the end of Primos Rd. and took NFS Non-Motorized Road 233.1 for about a mile out and a mile back (this connects to many other "trails" on the online map look like they are non-maintained roads?). We were the only ones on the trail although we saw lots of evidence of other hikers, and dog tracks (and poop). The trail follows Gordon Creek which looked mostly frozen, but there were some open water spots where quite a few American Robins were congregating. I also spotted my first Golden Crowned Kinglets, a pair, flitting around on a tree right on the trail.

My eBird checklist.